Bullfighting Step By step
Bullfighting with the CAPE “Suerte de Capa o Capote”
As bullring’s staff show a banner with the name and weight of the rst bull on it, one of the “Alguacilillos” gives the key to the bullpens to the “Chulo de Toriles” (the person in charge of opening the door from which the bull comes out into the ring). Once the “Areneros” have cleaned the ring and everything is in order, the president taking out the white kerchief, orders the rst bull to be released.
After a short sound of the bugles, the door of the bullpen is opened and the bull goes out into the arena.
The members of the matador’s team and the matador face the bull with the cape. In the first two stages of the bull ght, the cape is used to “situar en suerte”, in other words, to take the bull to an ideal spot to be jabbed by the Picador and to be stabbed in the neck with the “Banderillas”. But the bull ghter also uses the cape artistically. There is a wide range of ways of using the cape
www.bullfightticketsmadrid.com Season 2019
Bullfighting With The Cape ( Bullfighting Step By Step)