
What does the word “Trapío” mean?

The word TRAPIO is usually used to denote the visible features by which the bull`s appearance and condition for fighting are evaluated.
Experts consider that a bull with TRAPIO must be provided with the following features:
Fine skeleton, powerful musculature, lack of excessive fat, small hooves, medium-sized horns.
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the opening processionDSC00042B
Preceded by the “Alguacilillos”, the bullfighters
and their teams go around the arena to the royal box
to greet the President.
The three bullfighters do so in order of seniority.
Seen from the front, the most veteran is to the right,
the most novice is in the middle and to the left is the
one with intermediate experience.
The “Banderilleros” (the ones who jab the bull
with the “banderillas”) are situated also from
right to left, according to their seniority and they
march behind the swordsman.
Following them, two by two, the Picadores and
finally, the Mozos de Caballos (the horseman’s
assistants), the “Areneros” (the men in charge
of the sand in the bullring), are followed by the
mules and the “Mulilleros” (the men in charge
of bringing the dead bulls out of the arena).

Three Kinds Of Bullfight

Corrida de toros
The bullfighters fight on foot and must belong to the category of “Matador de
Toros” acquired in a ceremony called “Alternativa”
The “Alternativa” is a ceremony in which a bullfighter obtains the standing of
“Matador de Toros”. In “La suerte de Matar” the veteran bullfighter approaches
the novice with the sword and red cape (attached to a stick) in the left hand,
and they are revealed at the same time. The veteran then hands over the
sword and cape, as the novice turns over the cape to the veteran. Having
finished the exchange, the “Padrino“ (the bullfighter that conducts the
ceremony) usually congratulates or gives advice to the new swordsman or
the protégé and they end by greeting each other. The ceremony is repeated
with the second bull, but now the new swordsman is the one to give the
bullfighting effects to the veteran.
The animal fighting in bullfights must weigh at least 470 kg and be at least four
years old.
Corrida de novillos o Novillada
The swordsman are bullfighters on foot who haven’t yet received the title of
“Matador de Toros”. The animals used in this case are Novillos, bulls
that have not succeeded in demonstrating to a stockbreeder a certain level of
fierceness required in the bullfighting trials. They usually are younger than the
bulls fighting in a Corrida de Toros.
Corrida de Rejones o Rejoneo
The mounted bullfighter fights on horseback, assisted by a secondary bullfighters
on foot.DSC00190B

Juan del Alamo toreará en Madrid en la Feria de Otoño 2016

Juan del Alamo nació en Ciudad Rodrigo en 1991. Su presentación en la Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas fue el 30 de abril de 2010.
El 25 de de julio de 2011 se toma su alternativa a Santander , con el padrino El Juli , y ser testigo, Miguel Ángel Perera frente a los toros de Jandilla . Se confirmó en Madrid el 8 de abril de 2012 . como patrocinador con El Fundi y testimonio Víctor BarrioDSC00062B

Eugenio de Mora toreará el próximo 30 de septiembre en Madrid

Eugenio de Mora toreará el proximo 30 de septiembre en Madrid dentro de la Feria de Otoño 2016
Nació el 14 de febrero de 1975 en Mora de Toledo (Toledo)

Debutó con picadores en Bargas (Toledo) el 15-05-1993
Toreo por primera vez en la plaza de toros de Las Ventas (Madrid) el 18-Junio-1995 con Domingo Triana y Canales Rivera con novillos de Palomo Linares.

Tomó la alternativa en Toledo junto a Curro Romero y José Tomás con toros de Guadalest el 17-08-1997

Confirmó la alternativa en Madrid el 18 mayo de 1998 acartelado con César Rincón y Enrique Ponce con toros de El Puerto de San LorenzoDSC00042B


Bullfight in Madrid September/ October 2016. 5:30pm
Thursday, 29th September: Novillos de El Tajo / La Reina para Manolo Vanegas, Pablo Aguado, Rafael Serna.
Friday, 30th September: Toros de Fuente Ymbro para Eugenio de Mora, Juan del Álamo y Román.
Saturday October 1st: Toros de El Puerto de San Lorenzo para Curro Díaz y José Garrido. Sobresaliente, Jeremy Banti.
Sunday October 2nd: Toros de Adolfo Martín para Rafaelillo, ‘El Cid’ y Morenito de Aranda.
Get your tickets on line at www.bullfightticketsmadrid.comMay 1st. 18:30 Novillos de Conde de Mayalde para Miguel Ángel Silva, Clemente y Álvaro García May 2nd 18:30 Toros de EL TAJO/LA REINA para MIGUEL ABELLÁN, IVÁN VICENTE y JUAN DEL ÁLAMO.